Hot on the heels of Goodchild’s Madchester-infused remix by Goodchild (aka Reggie Goodchild from Confidence Man), Elle Músa today shares another remix of her latest single ‘Mango Pops‘ – this time an expertly crafted disco house groove from Sydney producer Dro Carey.
Having just released his debut LP ‘Nothing Is A Solo Project‘ last week – itself a collection of masterfully produced tracks – his turn on Músa’s ‘Mango Pops’ showcases his innate ability to craft groove-ready bass lines, which he sets below the staccato piano from the original to create a track that, in Elle’s words, makes you “instantly want to dance.”
For Carey, it was the piano from the original that made him “immediately inspired to flip the chords into a house track.” Whilst for Musa the percussion incorporated into the track by Carey “gives me Quincy Jones vibes when the conga style drums come in and feels me with joy“, and transports the listener to distant places: “I can imagine being on holiday in Europe somewhere and driving around windy roads to arrive at a bar by the ocean.”