After two years of setbacks we finally got to celebrate our birthday in the best fashion possible. It always is an absolute privilege to be given the keys to possibly the most recognised venue in the world. We've said throughout that these parties were an ode to our city. Nothing says Sydney more than the Opera House (It's quite nice on the eyes too). A HUGE thank you to the and all of their team who worked tirelessly to help us realise our vision. Thank you for trusting us and allowing us to put what are effectively "outsider" music scenes in your home. We humbly think we brought together some of the most cutting edge artists in music and, wow, did they deliver! Two nights that uplifted, inspired and left us in awe. Headlined by some truly mind-boggling internationals, but just as impressively, stacked with homegrown talent proving our scene is well and truly world class.
Of course, we'd also love to thank all the talent that took to the stage over the weekend; Yussef Dayes, Hiatus Kaiyote, Mildlife, Jitwan, Bumpy, Dameeeela, Jay1, S1mba, Youngn Lipz, Barkaa, Briggs, Arno Faraji, Hoodzyy & Munasib. Thank you for sharing your art with us. Every single act from open to close was brilliant. Thank you to for further reimagining the special setting with your visuals.
Finally let us reiterate - This was AN ODE TO OUR CITY - Thank you to every single person who came through over the two nights. We love all of your beautiful smiles. A further thank you to everyone we've met along the way. Without you we're nothing. It's cheesey to say but you really are the key to what makes Astral People so special. We continue to evolve and shapeshift but the memories on this journey is exactly what this is all about. We are humbled by your support over the years. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Here's to 11 more years of new friends and memories. We're not going anywhere!